Sent using a Sony Ericsson mobile phone
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Wisdom, wages and waterfalls.
Friday, July 25, 2008
The World is a Mirror
(For a more recent, better quality version of this video, see On a Lighter Note) 14 October 2008
I was part of this little upside down scene on the tube late one night when I came to a realisation. Before I came to London I read a lot of books, articles and websites about the place and spoke to friends, travel agents and strangers that's been here. They all painted their own pictures, but the general idea I got was of a rather unfriendly, grey, depressing, highly developed place where you could make a lot of money and occasionally have a lot of fun if you don't mind losing yourself. I can see how people might see it that way, but my impression so far is very different. I'm experiencing something I think is rather accurately captured in this video: a friendly, diverse, entertaining, crowded, highly developed, sometimes a bit disorientating, vibrant place with a lot of strangers interacting with each other more than you would expect and a lot of dogs. You really do see a lot of dogs around here, watch the video till the end if you don't know what I'm talking about. What is important though, is not the question of what London is really like, but rather the fact that we all see it differently. The fact that when we look at the city (and actually everything else, for that matter) we not so much see London and the way it really is, but we see ourselves and the way we really are reflected in it. So whether you see something as threatening or inviting, a blessing or a curse, fate or coincidence, something to smile at or loose your temper over, depends more on you than on the actual situation you are experiencing. And once you realise that, everything changes. So when you read my blog, watch my videos and look at my pictures, don't expect to see an objective picture of London, but rather to see bits of me reflected in London. Or if that's too deep, you can just have fun looking at the pretty pictures if you want! By the way, if anybody can help me turn these videos the right way up, please let me know.
Sent using a Sony Ericsson mobile phone
Thursday, July 24, 2008
A Poor Man's Diet
Sent using a Sony Ericsson mobile phone
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
The Mayflower
Sent using a Sony Ericsson mobile phone
Saturday, July 19, 2008
More glimpses of London
Sent using a Sony Ericsson mobile phone
Glimpses of London
Sent using a Sony Ericsson mobile phone
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Inside the Tube
Waiting for the next one
Underground busker
Mind the Gap
Sent using a Sony Ericsson mobile phone
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Wormwood Scrubs
Typical Kensal Green street
Kensal Green
Sent using a Sony Ericsson mobile phone
Welcome to my adventure!

On 20 June 2008, after months of anticipation and planning (or years, depending on how you see it) I landed on Heathrow Airport, London. I was hoping to have access to a computer as soon as possible to document my experiences and keep in touch with everybody back home, but it didn't work out that way, so I was forced to start exploring all the possibilities my mobile phone has to offer. This blog is the result of that adventure in technology. Thanks to a few brilliant products, including Sony Ericsson's K850i, Google Blogger, Opera Mini web browser, O2 mobile network and a few others, I am now able to blog from anywhere with 3G coverage using only my mobile phone. Even the photos and videos are captured with the phone's camera. The hardest part is typing these long posts... The first few posts will be material accumulated on my phone over the last three weeks, but hopefully after that I will be able to post material right after it was captured and you will have a semi-direct window into what I see, hear and think. Please leave your comments so we can make this a two-way experience!