Wow, that Nunhead story was deep, don't know where that came from... If you're looking for something a bit lighter, I fixed up this video that I've already posted earlier:
For the full story, check out the original post: The World is a Mirror . Back then I was still posting from my mobile phone. It feels like I've really come a long way since then, though it's less than 3 months ago...
If you like the cemetery stuff, these where taken a while back in Brompton Cemetery:

If you look closely you can actually see a copy of the A-Z London Map in my hand. Now I just use Google Maps on my phone (when I still need a map). I kinda miss the rush of being fresh of the plane, not knowing anything. I think it's time to get out of London for a while...
For the full story, check out the original post: The World is a Mirror . Back then I was still posting from my mobile phone. It feels like I've really come a long way since then, though it's less than 3 months ago...
If you like the cemetery stuff, these where taken a while back in Brompton Cemetery:
If you look closely you can actually see a copy of the A-Z London Map in my hand. Now I just use Google Maps on my phone (when I still need a map). I kinda miss the rush of being fresh of the plane, not knowing anything. I think it's time to get out of London for a while...
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