To do this you have to look at things from different angles, try out different possible solutions and be prepared to mess up sometimes, you very seldom get it right the first time. But that doesn't matter, who's keeping score anyway? You can try to think about it logically or just go with your gut feeling and hope for the best, but the best approach is usually a combination of both. Sometimes the solution is staring you in the face, but you're too blind to see it and the feeling of being stuck can become really frustrating before you finally "get it”. And even when you do “solve it” the feeling of accomplishment is short-lived: Just before you get bored or complacent with the solution you've created things change again and become more challenging and you start the process all over again on a higher level. Very much like this game (I'm currently stuck in Level 23...):

Oh, and of course then there's always the question of what comes after the last level...
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